Energy expert shares the ‘vampire appliances’ adding ‘hundreds’ to your bills

Smart Energy shares tips for reducing energy bills

According to Voltaware’s CEO, Sergey Ogorodnov, a “common mistake” many people make is leaving their appliances and devices on standby.

1. Washing machine

The expert explained: “For the average UK household, washing machines cost around £70, tumble dryers £140 and dishwashers £100 every year.

“We strongly advise users to switch off these energy-guzzlers when they are left on standby. If you’re not running it, it shouldn’t be running.

“Additionally, using machines at full capacity, rather than half loads, means fewer cycles and therefore less energy spent.

“Our experts also recommend using lower temperature cycles, as high-temperature cycles are very expensive, where a 10-degree increase can lead to a 25 percent rise in energy consumption (and an annual £12 extra cost).”

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Taking these simple steps can save the average household between £30 to £60 a year which can be spent elsewhere.

2. Cooking appliances

For the average UK household, the annual use of an electric hob, oven and microwave, adds up to around £200 a year, according to the expert.

However, optimising a setup with energy-efficient appliances instead could save around £40 a year.

This includes using slow cookers and air fryers which are “far cheaper ways” to cook than electric ovens.

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3. Electric boilers and water heating

The energy expert continued: “Electric boilers cost UK households anything between £360 to £720 a year, on average, and these costs can be cut down by around 15 percent by reviewing when you need to be using your boiler.

“Overall, if you always have hot water at home then you are likely heating more water than you need to.

“Is your boiler running when you are out of your home, or on vacation? Is it programmed to run only during off-peak times?

“What temperature is it set to? Without knowing what times your boiler is running and the best times to use it, you cannot make these vital savings on energy costs.”

4. Electric heaters

With the winter months approaching, it is important to make sure the home heating is running as efficiently as possible.

According to the pro, electric heaters cost the average UK household anything up to £1,200 a year, and many could be saving at least £200 a year by ensuring the heat isn’t being wasted.

The expert noted: “Making sure that homes are draught-proofed and insulated is a simple step to keeping the heat in, so your heater doesn’t need to work as hard.

“It’s also essential to review your thermostat settings to run your heating at an optimal temperature only when it’s needed.

“Make sure that you aren’t leaving your heating on where it isn’t needed – for an empty room, or even a vacated house over the holidays. Once again, don’t forget to switch off standby.”

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