{"id":44132,"date":"2023-11-27T00:19:10","date_gmt":"2023-11-27T00:19:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/histarmar.net\/?p=44132"},"modified":"2023-11-27T00:19:10","modified_gmt":"2023-11-27T00:19:10","slug":"steak-and-dog-food-what-a-research-officer-on-80000-spends-in-a-week","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/histarmar.net\/economy\/steak-and-dog-food-what-a-research-officer-on-80000-spends-in-a-week\/","title":{"rendered":"Steak and dog food: What a research officer on $80,000 spends in a week"},"content":{"rendered":"

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This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia.<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we ask real people how they spend and save their money during a seven-day period, tracking every last dollar. Anyone can write a Money Diary! Want to see yours here? Here\u2019s how.<\/p>\n

Today: a research officer who makes $80,000 a year spends some of her salary on a new therapist.<\/p>\n


This week on Money Diaries, a research officer who makes $80,000 a year spends some of her salary on a new therapist.<\/span>Credit: <\/span>Refinery29 Australia<\/cite><\/p>\n

Occupation:<\/strong> Research officer
Industry:<\/strong> Higher education
Age:<\/strong> 36
Location:<\/strong> Footscray, Melbourne
Salary:<\/strong> $80,000
Net worth<\/strong>: -$15,265. I have $8200 in savings, $14,100 in shares and a term deposit of $13,000.
Debt: <\/strong>$4814 in credit card debt and $45,751 owing on HECS.
Paycheck amount (monthly):<\/strong> $3994
Pronouns:<\/strong> She\/her<\/p>\n

Monthly Expenses<\/h3>\n

Rent: <\/strong>$1090. I live in a two-bedroom Victorian weatherboard and split the rent and bills equally with my partner. We have our own bedrooms (modern!) and our dog has a front and back yard. We love the place, but we continue to get rental increases and I\u2019m not sure how much longer we can afford to live here.
Internet: <\/strong>$45
Electricity: <\/strong>$50
Gas: <\/strong>$75
Water: <\/strong>$25
Stan: <\/strong>$16
Spotify: <\/strong>$12.99
Phone: <\/strong>$25
Fruit and vegetable box subscription: <\/strong>$90
Exercise classes and PT: <\/strong>$180
Medication: <\/strong>$7.20<\/p>\n

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?<\/h3>\n

I\u2019ve spent way too much time at uni! In high school, I had no ambition to go to university (although it was the only advice I ever got from parents and teachers about what to do with my life). Eventually, I completed a Bachelor of Social Science (I also spent a year failing a Bachelor of Media and Communications degree, but that\u2019s another story).<\/p>\n

When I graduated, the global financial crisis hit and I found it difficult to secure meaningful work. I floated around volunteering and working for badly organised not-for-profits. Then after a few years of failing to get a career going, I enrolled in a Masters of Public Health. While I was studying undergrad and post-grad, I supported myself on Centrelink (AusStudy) and working shitty casual jobs. I made ends meet by living in low-price dumpy rentals, stealing food from the supermarket and buying all my clothes from op shops. Last year, I was awarded my PhD. I received a scholarship while studying of $28k a year and worked as a casual. In total, I owe $45,751 in HECS.<\/p>\n

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent\/guardian(s) educate you about finances?<\/h3>\n

My parents never discussed money but I have vivid memories of them having screaming matches about finances, usually related to tax. I do remember someone giving me a copy of The Barefoot Investor<\/em> when I was 17, and although I barely paid attention to much of the content, I think it taught me how to live within my means and always have some savings, even on a low income, which is all I\u2019ve ever had until now.<\/p>\n

What was your first job and why did you get it?<\/h3>\n

As a teenager, my parents urged me to get a job so I could develop a \u201cwork ethic\u201d, which my parents both valued. I often heard my mum compliment someone by saying they were a \u201chard worker\u201d. I got my first job aged 14 and 9 months (the minimum legal age) at the local chemist, where I worked every Saturday and during school holidays. I spent most of my money in high school on overpriced surf brand clothes and CDs. Interestingly, my baby brother never worked during high school but instead was told to \u201cfocus on his studies\u201d.<\/p>\n

Did you worry about money growing up?<\/h3>\n

I never worried about money growing up. I always longed for more, but wanted for nothing. My parents lived pretty simply. We never ate out and our holidays were usually camping somewhere (although we did go on holidays overseas too). Our house was old and always freezing during winter and we were never allowed to turn on the heater (\u201cPut a jumper on if you\u2019re cold!\u201c). In high school, I was sent to a modest private school, which my parents sacrificed a lot for.<\/p>\n

My brother and I were also sent to private music lessons and sports on the weekend, and looking back, I can see that we were very privileged. My dad made all the financial decisions in our family and when he passed away, my mum had no idea how to manage her own finances. When I was young, I remember my dad telling me: \u201cNever let money get in the way of doing what you want in life.\u201d In many ways, this has shaped how I live and inspired a generosity towards the people I love in my life.<\/p>\n

Do you worry about money now?<\/h3>\n

I constantly worry about money. I often lay awake thinking: \u201cHow am I going to survive?\u201d I especially get anxious thinking about housing affordability and dream of living in more comfort with more stability. While I worry about money constantly, it doesn\u2019t seem to quash my hedonistic\/indulgent side. I often find myself blowing huge amounts of money on a night out, shouting all my friends and anyone else near me rounds of drinks. I\u2019m also quite partial to a refreshing and restorative mini break, which is not cheap.<\/p>\n

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself, and do you have a financial safety net?<\/h3>\n

At 17, I left home and moved overseas with money I saved up from working various crap jobs and I\u2019ve been financially independent ever since. I\u2019ve never asked for money from my family, except once, when I asked my mum for a loan to buy a car (she said no). I\u2019m really proud that I put myself through university, but I\u2019m starting to see the difference it makes when you\u2019ve had supportive parents. I doubt at this stage if I will ever be in a financial situation to have kids or buy a property, and that makes me feel a bit sad. I do have some money saved, a term deposit, some shares (which keep going down, so I must have bad ones) and some savings, but it\u2019s not a lot in the scheme of things.<\/p>\n

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.<\/h3>\n

When I was 19, my father died and left me and my brother a property, but it went to my mother. In my early 20s, my grandpa passed away and my brother and I were his only living grandchildren. Strangely, all the inheritance went to my mother again. Enough said!<\/p>\n

Day 1<\/h3>\n

8.15am:<\/strong> I wake up with a brutal hangover from a birthday celebration the night before. After the birthday party, my friends M and S came back to my place and we polished off a bottle of duty-free booze that I bought on a recent overseas work trip. M stayed the night and we both call in sick to work. She orders Uber Eats, but I\u2019m not ready to eat yet.<\/p>\n

9.20am:<\/strong> M leaves. I go into the kitchen and tidy up. I take two Panadol and drink some Hydrolyte. I decide to devote myself to the couch and Netflix for the entire day. I vape some of my partner R\u2019s medicinal marijuana, take an anti-nausea tablet and put on a documentary about ice-skating. I\u2019m a professional at hangovers!<\/p>\n

12.20pm:<\/strong> I begin to feel hungry and go to the fridge and heat up some leftover rice and curry. My partner R makes me a coffee and counsels me through the anxiety I feel about how drunk I got the night before. I put on another movie, it\u2019s about prisoners of war in WWII. I regret my decision as it\u2019s hardly soothing, but continue to watch it anyway.<\/p>\n

3pm:<\/strong> I take my dog for a walk to a nearby dog park with R. My body is aching but it\u2019s a nice day outside and it\u2019s cute watching our dog play. Eventually, another dog joins and a fight breaks out. We leave.<\/p>\n

4pm:<\/strong> I\u2019m hungry again, and consider ordering take-out but my funds are pretty low, so I look at what I have in the fridge. I settle for a packet of ramen and add vegetables and a boiled egg. I eat it and nap in front of the TV.<\/p>\n

7pm:<\/strong> I wake up and R is making a chicken souvlaki with chips in the air-fryer. He makes a small one for me and then I eat some chocolate.<\/p>\n

10pm:<\/strong> I make a bowl of pasta. I\u2019m eating my way through the hangover! R and I watch The Little Mermaid <\/em>together in bed with the dog and I fall asleep. I\u2019ve managed to spend no money today and I\u2019m very proud.<\/p>\n

Daily total:<\/strong> $0<\/p>\n

Day 2<\/h3>\n

8.30am:<\/strong> I wake up but decide to snooze a little longer, the pain from the hangover lingers. I\u2019m no spring chicken any more!<\/p>\n

9.30am:<\/strong> I wake up again and when I see the time, I panic as I have a psychologist appointment at 10am with a new therapist. I head to the kitchen and make a coffee, turn on the dishwasher and get changed. I check my emails. I\u2019m working from home all week as my boss is home marking students\u2019 work. My appointment will eat up a fair bit of time, so I\u2019m likely to be working later than usual.<\/p>\n

9.50am:<\/strong> I drive to my therapy appointment and when I arrive, I\u2019m only five minutes late. The session goes well and I think I will continue seeing her for now, even though it\u2019s bloody expensive! She said she will invoice me $120 for our session later in the day.<\/p>\n

11.05:<\/strong> On my way home I respond to some work emails and then stop off at Coles and buy dog food and cleaning products ($20.80). I purchase them from the group account I have with R, so technically, I\u2019m only paying half. \u2014 $10.40<\/strong><\/p>\n

12.20pm:<\/strong> I decide to make some breakfast (more like lunch now) and whip up an omelette with vegetables and some toast from ingredients I already have. Our fridge is playing up, and I talk to my partner about buying a new one. He also tells me that our gas bill is due and that it\u2019s a big one. I feel stressed. I head back to my desk to do some work.<\/p>\n

3pm:<\/strong> I make some toast and vacuum the house.<\/p>\n

3.20pm:<\/strong> I get back to work and finish a few tasks. No one is getting back to my emails and I\u2019m struggling to maintain motivation. My therapist invoices me and I decide to pay her straight away. I transfer her $120. \u2013 $120<\/strong><\/p>\n

4.50pm:<\/strong> I drive to my reformer Pilates class (I pre-purchased a multi-pack last week). The class is so hard I\u2019m shaking afterwards. I haven\u2019t been for three weeks and my body has lost some strength!<\/p>\n

6pm:<\/strong> I get home and put a potato in the oven, defrost some kangaroo bolognese and cut some cheese and other vegetables to put on the baked potatoes. I\u2019m trying to use up everything in the fridge. I finish off some emails and tasks while the potato is cooking.<\/p>\n

8pm:<\/strong> I eat dinner and the baked potatoes are yum! I feel utterly exhausted and lie down to watch some TV, but fall asleep doing so.<\/p>\n

10pm:<\/strong> I join R in bed and put on a podcast to drift off to (Don\u2019t Ask Tig<\/em>) but I can\u2019t relax. I spend the next three hours tossing and turning before I eventually drift off.<\/p>\n

Daily total<\/strong>: $130.40<\/p>\n

Day 3<\/h3>\n

9am:<\/strong> I wake up and make myself and R a coffee. Out of curiosity, I decide to weigh myself and I\u2019m not surprised to see I have gained weight \u2014 no wonder my pants don\u2019t fit! I make an active decision to not give a shit or let it ruin my day.<\/p>\n

9.15am:<\/strong> I check my work emails while drinking coffee and lying in bed. I respond to emails and get on top of tasks. I\u2019m happy to see that $800 of expenses from a recent work trip have been approved. I should get reimbursed next week.<\/p>\n

10am:<\/strong> I sit at my desk and the real work begins. I write a list of things that I want to complete today \u2014 it\u2019s ambitious but I will do my best.<\/p>\n

11am:<\/strong> I take the dog for a walk in the park. It\u2019s overcast and windy, but I run into a familiar dog walker and stop to have a long chat. On the way home, I get hit with a wave of crippling period pain. I walk slowly.<\/p>\n

12pm:<\/strong> I make some toast and put some of the leftover bolognese from last night on top. I take some Naprogesic (my last two!) and wait for the pain relief to kick in.<\/p>\n

12.30pm:<\/strong> The pain is unbearable and I call in sick for the afternoon (twice in one week, oh dear). I take two more Panadol and eat chocolate and fall asleep on the couch.<\/p>\n

3.30pm:<\/strong> I wake up in far less pain. I\u2019m happy to see an online delivery has arrived! A white Smeg kettle I bought on sale last week for $204. I make a cup of rooibos tea and decide to finish some work tasks, even though I have taken the afternoon off, as it will make tomorrow much easier.<\/p>\n

5.30pm:<\/strong> I finish half of the tasks on my ambitious to-do list and decide to call it quits for the day. I turn off my computer and feed the dog.<\/p>\n

6pm:<\/strong> Our fridge is completely f—ed and not keeping anything cold. My partner says he\u2019s going to buy us a new one. I paid for the last expensive item (a couch for $600) so he says he will buy the fridge. We choose one together, a Westinghouse for $805. It will be delivered tomorrow.<\/p>\n

6.30pm:<\/strong> We go to the Mona Castle Hotel in Seddon for a knock-off drink. I buy the first round of drinks, a pint of beer and glass of red ($28.22). It\u2019s steak night so we decide to get steaks, and my partner shouts me dinner and another glass of red. \u2013 $28.22<\/strong><\/p>\n

8.30pm:<\/strong> On the way home, we stop and get a scoop of ice cream from Kariton Sorbetes, I pay for both of us. \u2014 $13.82<\/strong><\/p>\n

9pm:<\/strong> When we get home, our weekly fruit and vegetable box ($45.63) has been delivered and left on our doorstep. R and I split the cost of groceries so it works out $22.80 each. My period pain is back with a vengeance, and I got to the bathroom cabinet and take some pain relief meds. \u2014 $22.80<\/strong><\/p>\n

9.30pm<\/strong>: R and I watch the movie Vivarium<\/em>, it\u2019s okay, not great.<\/p>\n

11pm:<\/strong> I go to bed and fall asleep immediately.<\/p>\n

Daily total: <\/strong>$64.84<\/p>\n

Read the rest on Refinery29 Australia <\/em>here.<\/strong><\/p>\n

The Age<\/em> and The Sydney Morning Herald<\/em> are owned by Nine, which also holds the publishing rights for Refinery29 in Australia.<\/strong><\/p>\n

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Source: Read Full Article<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia. 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